Prolapse and Exercise | HER Body PT 


When women are diagnosed with prolapse, there are often many fears associated with movement.  I have talked to many women that are afraid to participate in exercise and are concerned about making their symptoms worse. 

The truth is, you CAN exercise and remain active with prolapse.  As a matter of fact, this is important, and a crucial part of the rehab process.  Inactivity and complete rest is NOT the answer.  

While exercising, it is important that women learn to monitor for poor pressure management.  If someone is participating in a HITT workout for example, and feels pressure increasing down on the pelvic floor, some simple modifications may be necessary.  With a few tweaks related to breath control, posture and muscle activation, symptoms may be significantly reduced or completely eliminated. 

Consider exercising earlier vs. later in the day.  As the day progresses, prolapse symptoms can often worsen due to the effects of gravity and general body fatigue.  

There is no safe vs. unsafe exercise when it comes to prolapse.  It all comes down to how your body responds to that particular movement or exercise.  It is HOW you do something that matters.  Full body strengthening is important.  

If you are scared to exercise or not quite sure how to proceed, contact me and let's start the conversation!  Email me: